Dr. Gaetano Morello returns to Vitality Radio to talk more with Jared about mitochondria – the powerhouse of the cell. This time, they dive deeper into how stress and gut permeability (leaky gut) contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction and ultimately low energy throughout the body. You’ll learn the importance of diet and digestion as it pertains to this gut-mitochondria relationship, as well as lifestyle approaches to stress mitigation.
Dr. Morello is a published author and licensed naturopathic physician at the Complex Chronic Disease Program located at BC Women’s Hospital in Vancouver. He is always a wealth of new information and we are grateful to have him back on Vitality Radio!
Protein Powder
Precision Probiotic
Active B Complex
Omega 3
Pharma GABA
Anxiety Release
Additional Information:
Episode #379: Mitochondria – Understanding the Powerhouse of the Cell and How to Support Yours With Dr. Gaetano Morello
Episode #388: A Roadmap to Mitochondrial Support – Energize Your Body and Mind!
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