This episode of Vitality Radio features a return of the Vital Rant! Jared discusses a PubMed article titled the War Against Polypharmacy. Data suggests that among those who take prescription medications, the average number of medications taken is four! Many are taking far more than that. You’ll learn about the mortality risk increase with multiple pharmaceutical drugs and how you can reduce that risk by finding natural alternatives to many of those drugs.
Jared also interviews Shane and Liz Watt about the Be Healthy Utah Natural Health and Wellness Conference taking place this month in Sandy, Utah. If you aren’t local to Sandy, you will have the opportunity to hear the recorded presentations after the event as well so you won’t want to miss hearing about the lineup of speakers for the event!
Finally, Jared shares another Homeopathic Minute from his series of quick, easy to digest information on single homeopathic remedies. Today’s remedy is Belladonna.
Additional Information:
The War Against Polypharmacy – PubMed article
#260: Prescribing Poisons. Commonly Prescribed Drugs; Are the Risks Worth the Benefits? Part 1
#414: A Natural Approach to Healthy Blood Pressure
#266: Prescribing Poisons Part 2. Ibuprofen, PPI’s, and Flouroquinalone Antibiotics
#347: Thyroid Health: Why Your Doctor Might Be Looking at the Wrong Numbers With Dr. Todd Cameron
#259: Osteoporosis: Answering all of Your Big Questions of how to Prevent and Reverse it Naturally!
#260: Prescribing Poisons. Commonly Prescribed Drugs; Are the Risks Worth the Benefits? Part 1
Be Healthy Utah discount code: vitality40
***Be sure to listen to Wednesday podcasts this year for Jared’s Homeopathic Minute to learn more about specific remedies.
#393: What Is Homeopathy and How Does It Work? With Guillaume Lois
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Just a reminder that this podcast is for educational purposes only. The FDA has not evaluated the podcast. The information within is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The advice given is not intended to replace the advice of your medical professional.